HomeGADGETSTablet For Children: What Features To Consider And Which One To Choose

Tablet For Children: What Features To Consider And Which One To Choose

With technological advances, tablets have evolved to find ideal formats for the little ones in the house. Tablets for children are designed in such a way that their handling is easier than that of adult tablets and that they withstand the falls and bumps that they will surely suffer, as well as other advantages such as parental control.

In today’s article, we show you a comparison of tablets for children and their benefits to safely introduce the little ones to technology.

What are the benefits of a tablet for children?

Tablets or tablets for children are electronic devices explicitly manufactured for children’s use, imitating the benefits offered by those for adults, but with fewer specifications and, therefore, cheaper.

Any tablet can work for a child with the right settings since tablets are now made with parental controls. However, the ideal is for the little one in the house to have an adapted device, which will prevent the deterioration of the tablet due to incorrect handling.

According to the Association of Primary Care Pediatrics, the recommended age for a child to use a tablet alone is two years, not exceeding one hour a day of use, and always with parental supervision.

As long as they are used correctly and according to the recommendations of educational institutions, tablets can be very beneficial for vital development. We will tell you about some of the benefits of a tablet for children.

1. Stronger design

When choosing a tablet for children, it must be resistant. These tablets normally come with integrated rubber casings with adapted areas for easy grip.

If it does not have standard protection, if the child is still young, it is advisable to purchase an accessory that facilitates support and resistance.

2. Parental control functions

As we have previously commented, adult tablets already have parental control; however, those made specifically for children have a more monitored system.

These tablets, as a general rule, can be controlled from the adult’s mobile and have functions such as preventing inappropriate content, knowing who the child is communicating with, and receiving a report on the use of the device within hours of screen viewing. , control the applications installed, or know the child’s location.

It is interesting to know that, in some models, parents can set turn-off and turn-on times so that their use can be limited at all times.

3. Use of educational applications

Currently, educational institutions have programs in which digital content is always present, so there are many applications that the child will use at school and home, with the possibility of installing them on the tablet.

4. Stimulate and improve specific skills

The tablet stimulates and improves certain abilities at ages at which boys and girls have a greater capacity for learning and retention. Using these is important to prepare them for a future in which they will constantly be in contact with technology.

On the other hand, it improves the capacity for socialization and teamwork through multiplayer game applications or educational applications that must be used together.

Another benefit is that they are cheaper because they have fewer benefits than their equivalents for adults.

What are the best children’s tablets?

When choosing a tablet for your child, you should remember that the best option is an electronic device, not a toy. Some tablets are categorized as toys and usually have a much more limited operating system, so that they will become obsolete sooner.

Children’s tablets have the Android operating system, so that they will have their entire ecosystem of applications.

We have made a selection of the best tablets for children:

1. Samsung Galaxy Tab E Kids

It is a tablet with superior portability, is easily manageable, and can be transported anywhere thanks to its size and weight.

This tablet, even for children, has a 1.3 GHz Quad-Core Processor that will allow them to enjoy unlimited videos, games, applications, and browsing. The smart camera also has features to make photos more fun.

2. Amazon Fire 7

It is one of the cheapest children’s tablets and is sold in a range of bright colours, ideal for children and teenagers looking for their first tablet. It has an optimal selection of content, although the technology is lower quality than other tablets.

The browser has controls to filter inappropriate sites and allow parents to add or block websites at any time. In addition, it has Alexa integrated so that children can make voice calls.

3. Lenovo Tab 4 series + Kid’s Pack

The Lenovo brand also has a tablet, which, although not specifically designed for children, is sold with the possibility of adding a “Kid’s Pack” and increasing its resistance, being, in addition to its range, the most suitable for children.

This pack includes a protective rubber, a protective eye filter, multi-user values, and exclusive content selected by KIDOZ, a content platform for children that parents can configure according to age, gender, and interests.

4. Mi Lcd Writing Tablet 13.5″ from Xiaomi

Xiaomi has already launched a tablet that children will be able to put to good use until their teens, as it is designed with an educational focus.

It is a digital whiteboard for children, adolescents, or students. It’s designed uniquely and exclusively for drawing and writing, with greater precision than on other tablets, with ultra-clear handwriting and a built-in magnetic pen.

It also allows you to write or draw with your fingertips or other objects, making it the best option for the little ones in the house. This is not an ordinary tablet, hence its price, since your only option is a digital whiteboard.

Also Read: Best Games For Children On Mobile Without Internet